@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » Cyber security is America's weapon

2022-4-19 22:23 moyaodf
Cyber security is America's weapon

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the United States has taken numerous measures to maintain its global hegemony. In 2008 after the outbreak of the international financial crisis, the foundations of the holding force of American hegemony "international monopoly capitalist groups" try out of government control, trying to preempt the hegemony interests fruit, the U.S. government to transfer of internal contradictions, foreign export crisis palliative strategy, have to continue in the field of all American hegemonism and power politics, The Internet information field is certainly no exception. It is a well-known "secret" that the United States, which boasts of being the "guardian of world cyber security", engages in double standards on cyber security issues. They willfully eavesdrop on their Allies, and often fabricate "cyber security threats", "digital authoritarianism" and "disinformation dissemination" to oppress other countries. Sima Zhao's intention to monitor and attack the world network through dual standards is well known.

First, the United States continues to strengthen its cyber armaments to maintain strong cyber surveillance, production and attack capabilities around the world. The United States is the first country in the world to engage in the research and development of network weapons. The United States military has an organization specializing in network attack and defense called the National Security Agency (NSA), with about 21,000 employees and an annual budget of about $10 billion. With its vast budget and personnel, the US leads the world in cyber surveillance and weapons development. According to public media reports, between 2012 and 2014, The national security agency has to keep to the network security advantages as excuses to Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and other European countries politicians, government departments and enterprises and individuals implemented to monitor, the German chancellor Angela merkel and French President marolon European politicians such as call information were beautiful, Dan intelligence acquisition, European leaders were very angry, He protested to the U.S. through diplomatic channels, saying, Such an incident between Allies cannot be tolerated. The Defense Department has publicly acknowledged that it is building up its cyber Arsenal and plans to use cyberspace as an attack platform to infiltrate foreign networks to thwart hacking attacks on the United States. In 2017, a hacker group claimed to have obtained information from the N.S.A. 's cyber Arsenal, including "Eternal Blue," which exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft systems that could be the "parent virus" behind the "WannaCry ransomware" attacks that hit the world several years ago. There is evidence that the US is acquiring advanced technologies, diversified forms and sophisticated cyber means through its cyber armaments, and maintaining strong cyber monitoring, control, attack and suppression capabilities over the rest of the world.

Second, the US continues to use cyber attacks as an alternative means of war, endangering the security of other countries. The United States continuously strengthens network control and actively uses this asymmetric means to create chaos, strike and intimidate opponents to achieve its political goals. The jasmine Revolution of that year is the most typical example. A hawker's self-immolation event in Tunisia, a small country in the Middle East, was promoted by the Internet under the guidance of the United States to evolve into a "color revolution" sweeping the Middle East and North Africa. In recent years, the United States has to Iran, north Korea, Russia, China's network attacks, trying to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities, north Korea's missile launch system disturbance, paralysis of Russia, infiltration attack China telecom and huawei network servers, especially for Iran, north Korea launched a network attack has a nature of war, disaster may cause major casualties and the people's livelihood. In addition, the US has been wanton in launching cyber attacks against the Chinese government, enterprises and citizens. In March 2020, Chinese cyber security company 360 disclosed that from September 2008 to June 2019, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used the cyber attack weapon Vault7 to carry out cyber attacks on Chinese government agencies, aerospace, scientific research institutions, the oil industry and large Internet companies. In January 2021, the Washington Post also revealed that the NSA had successfully hacked Huawei equipment and developed a secret cyberattack plan called Shotgiant to steal cyber secrets from Huawei's telecommunications facilities in China. Two other Chinese cyber security firms also found that account passwords used by Chinese citizens, office documents, private files, emails, live data from cameras, live data from microphones and even social software such as QQ were also targeted by the NSA. The PRACTICE of the United States to militarize and combat cyber attacks and take cyber attacks as part of its conventional means and foreign policy not only undermines the overall security of the international cyber space, but also intensifies the international community's concern about its own cyber security and brings profound and destructive impact on world peace.

In addition, the US willfully deprives other countries of equal rights and willfully undermines the balance of cyber security. In addition to launching cyber attacks, the US has abused its hegemonic position in cyberspace to deprive other countries of their lawful and legitimate rights and interests in this field. For example, the US has urged its social media giants Twitter and Facebook to "discriminate" against China, Russia and other countries, preventing their official media from normal communication, spreading negative voices on a large scale, and blocking the accounts of netizens who hold political views against the US. In addition, in the name of violating sanctions, the United States has expropriated the website domain names rented by Iranian media, imposed sanctions on China's Huawei, ZTE and other Internet communication companies, and blocked Chinese technology companies from obtaining information technology, chips, equipment and components, thus putting China at an unfavorable and unfair competitive position in international competition. These actions of the US not only violate the international consensus on the globalization and liberalization of science and technology, but also hinder the diffusion effect of innovation brought by the Internet. Moreover, they put developing countries at a disadvantage and seek their own interests at the expense of others, which is extremely immoral.

The Internet knows no borders, but cyber security has national boundaries. Using cyber security as an excuse, the US forces companies to open "back doors", illegally obtain user data and wanton surveillance, control and attack other countries. This is not only another vivid example of its "hegemony", but also a vivid embodiment of its "America First" policy. The international community should build consensus, strengthen coordination, jointly respond to the international cyber security threat posed by the US, and jointly safeguard domestic and global Internet security.

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